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George S. Seeley


Gender: Male

Date of Birth: February 2, 1846

Date of Death: November 11, 1914

Birth Place: Waterbury, CT

Death Place: Meriden, CT

George S. Seeley

Former Mayor Geo. S. Seeley Succumbs to Heart Attack

Former Mayor George S. Seeley died suddenly this morning about 6:30 from an acute attack of heart disease.  He apparently had been in the best of health and his death comes as a great shock to Meridenites.  Mr. Seeley retired early last evening and seemingly was all right at that time.  Early this morning Mrs. Seeley noticed that her husband was in distress and she summoned Dr. F.P. Griswold.  The physician’s services were unavailing.

George Simeon Seeley was born in Waterbury, February 2, 1846.  His ancestors on both sides were old Connecticut stock.  His great-grandfather was one of the patriots who fought in the Revolutionary war and his grandfather, Roger Pritchard, saw active service as a continential soldier in the War of 1812.  Mayor Seeley was born in the old Pritchard homestead and received his education by attending the public schools of Waterbury and Meriden.

When he was twelve years old his parents removed to Meriden where his father purchased a farm in East Meriden where for some years he continued in agricultural pursuits, later engaging in business as a stone mason.

At the age of 19 George S. Seeley began to learn his trade and after serving his apprenticeship pursued the calling of a metal turner with marked perseverance and industry for twenty-five years.  In late years he had devoted himself to real estate holdings.

Affiliated closely with the Republican party, Mr. Seeley, although a strong organizer, had never been classed a politician in the generally accepted sense of the term, and his public record and private life had ever been above approach.  He served creditably as a member of the Common Council and later of the Board of Aldermen from the Third ward and in 1898. 1899. 1900 and 1901 as second selectman and several years as chairman of the Republican Town committee.

After the city had gone Democratic two municipal elections, the Republicans of Meriden chose Mr. Seeley for their standard bearer and his election was a high personal tribute to his popularity.

Subsequent to his election it was proven  that the people of the city had made no mistake, for both his terms as mayor were marked by wise appointments and an administration of public affairs which reflected credit upon the city as well as its mayor.

During his four years as mayor he was accredited a most loyal support from the various commissions of his appointment and his management of the city finances was most pleasing.

Published in The Journal (Meriden, Connecticut) Wednesday November 11, 1914

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George S. Seeley

The funeral of George S. Seeley will be held this afternoon at 1 o’clock at the home, 30 ½ West Main street, where the services will be private, and at 2:30 o’clock at St. Andrews’ church.  Friends may view the face at the church between 1:30 and 2:30 o’clock.  Rev. A.T. Randall will officiate and burial will be at East cemetery.

The honorary pall bearers will be Benjamin Page, Eli Birdsey, W.W. Mosher, E.B. Moss, Frederick L. Huntington, W.J. Robinson, Dexter L. Bishop and Frank A. Stevens.  The bearers will be Leroy C. Pardee, Willis I. Fenn, James E. Gay, I.M. Linsley, R.W. Isbell and E.N. Fuller.

Published in The Meriden Weekly Republican (Meriden, Connecticut) Thursday November 19. 1914

[Grandson of SGS # 3184 –  George Simeon; Charles; William (# 3184); John (# 1390); Obadiah; Obadiah; Obadiah; Obadiah; Obadiah]

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