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Clinton Barnum Seeley


Gender: Male


Spouse: Florence Tuttle

Date of Marriage: December 30, 1896

Marriage Place: New York, NY

Seeley – Tuttle

A very pretty holiday wedding was that of Miss Florence Tuttle, daughter of Austin S. Tuttle, to Clinton Barnum Seeley, a grandson of P.T. Barnum, at Trinity Chapel, in West Twenty-fifth Street, yesterday afternoon. The Rev. Dr. William H. Vibbert, the vicar in charge, performed the ceremony.

The color scheme of the church decorations was green and red, and consisted of Yuletide evergreens and wild Southern smilax, intertwined with red roses. Miss Tuttle’s gown was of white satin, trimmed with old point lace. Her veil of point lace was confined to her coiffure with several jeweled pins, the gifts of the bridegroom. She was given away by her cousin, Sidney T. Clark. She carried a shower bouquet of white Bride roses and lilies of the valley.

Miss Austina Tuttle, the sister of the bride, was the maid of honor. She was costumed in a white silk gown, covered with chiffon and trimmed with collar and belt of red satin. She carried a shower bouquet of red carnations.

The bridesmaids were Miss Lydie Robie, Miss Angie Fleiss, Miss Anna Fleiss, and Miss Fannie Seeley, a cousin of the bridegroom. They were prettily attired in white silk, with collarettes and belts of red satin.

They carried bouquets of red carnations tied with long red ribbons. They wore large black velvet Gainsborough picture hats, dress with black ostrich tips and trimmed with white silk. The best man was Herbert B. Seeley, brother of the bridegroom. The ushers were Clarence Hamilton of Orange, N.J.; Wilson Marshall, Louis Ogden, Edwin Delnoy, Marshall Bishop, and H.A. Bergman.

A reception and dinner was held at the residence of the bride’s sister, Miss Tuttle, 16 West Thirty-seventh Street. The bride received many handsome presents.

Among those present at the marriage were Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Seeley, Dr. J.A. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Clark of Binghamton, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Marshall of Orange, N.J.; Mr. and Mrs. John Sayre Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick, James Gillespie, James F. Gillespie, the Rev. Robert Collyer, Judge and Mrs. William Rumsey, the Misses Rumsey, the Misses Rumsey, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Dickerson, Miss Dickerson, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. J. Schaeffe Douglas, Miss Maria Schaeffe Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. David Martin, Mr. and Mrs. WQalton C. Percy, Mr. and Mrs. David W. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Elliott, and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Parker.

Published in The New York Times, December 31, 1896

[Grandson of SGS # 2059 – Clinton Barnum; Nathan; George (# 2059); Nathan (# 640); Seth; Nathan; James; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Robert]

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